“May the force BE with you”
Star Wars

G THEORY is the unification of analogous scientific theories from Galileo, Newton, Einstein, String Theory, and M Theory – unifying them with gravity and Law of Attraction, which is GRAVITATION –  the ultimate power of the universe!



Gravity is God in the matrix of our world – a secret codex of consciousness that attracts, contracts, fuses, and orchestrates co-creation of all matter(s).  G THEORY hypothesizes ineffable potentials of gravity (GOD) with ‘infinite’ dimensions of the matrix, and operational velocity of “darkspeed” that’s equivalent to subjects in the equation.





Moreover, besides the evidence of everything and everyone in existence, and the true darkness of the universe, the force (gravity, GOD) may be revealing itself physically as Dark Energy, Dark Matter, and Black Holes in spacetime.





There is much to explore, as revealed by Carl SaganRichard Feynman, and others in the above Symphony of Science video.  Solar Plexus: The Secret Gravitational System reveals scientific correlations between gravitation in the cosmos and Law of Attraction, which is now unified as G THEORY.


Founder, G Theory
[“Synthesizer of the Science of Gravity with Law of Attraction”]

Learn about G Theory in: Solar Plexus: The Secret Gravitational System

ISBN: 1456300474  [SHOP]