“If you pardon me, I shall rejoice!
The die is cast, and I am writing the book – to be read now or by prosperity – it matters not.  As “G” itself has waited over six thousand years, and now finally has a witness.” 
Johannes Kepler Harmonices Mundi [Customized]



Volume 1 – Solar Plexus: The Secret Gravitational System

“The Secret” and Gravity: Are they the same – like electricity and magnetism (electromagnetism)?

By drawing on chronological data with unification of Newton and Einstein’s theories, JOIE takes the science of gravity and attraction to a precocious level, introducing, “G Theory.”  Fellow Scientists and Advanced Practitioners are invited to join this leading edge as the subject is discussed in Solar Plexus: The Secret Gravitational System.

This international bestseller includes:

* Scientific formulas unifying qualitative and quantitative theories
* A Gravitational System chart to reference potential states of attraction
* Advanced erudition for Law of Attraction practitioners
* Plus, the requested topics of Contrast, Language, and more is discussed



“… a superb contribution to chemistry, biology, astronomy, and physics.”  – P.Bloom

“This prize is inviting, and gives readers groundbreaking information about gravity, electromagnetism, and other so-called forces…it makes you think.”  – T.A. Hampton

“Why do planets float and follow a colossal star?  Why are we attracted to some people and not others?  This book is for anyone who’s ever wondered about the real secret of gravitational attraction and repulsion!”  – J.E.D.

Volume 2 – G THEORY: Conversations with “G” … upcoming!