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WhiffsofBliss: DarkSpeed: Variable! [Instant, Faster than Lightspeed, or Slug Slow]
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WhiffsofBliss: Dragonflies are Identified Flying Objects (IFOs)…Why are humans surprised by UFOs?
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“Everything is made of atoms. That is the key hypothesis. The most important hypothesis in all of biology, for example, is that everything that animals do, atoms do.   In other words, there is nothing that living things do that cannot be understood from the point of view that they are made of atoms acting according to the laws of physics.”   Six Easy Pieces (p.20)

We, and virtually all mass in the universe is made of atoms that gravitationally attract or repel; this is the Law of Attraction in Action!  It almost seems as if the universe is a gigantic atom of mostly empty space, and we are the same.  

As the video shows, attraction is based on what the element IS, not solely its mass.  The same can be said about any other gravitation that occurs, like with Earth that attracts star power for living beings on our planet.  The sun gives us heat, dry, light, bodily tans, growth of food and flora; plus so much more!  Our moon is another celestial body that serves the ebb and flow of water.  It’s not the size or mass of our sun, moon, or planet, per se that constitutes gravitation, but it’s the relationships we have with the entire solar system neighborhood and everything or everyone.  

Elements (e.g. Hydrogen and Oxygen = H2O), are said to have a covalent bond or strong nuclear force of attraction that brings atoms together.  However, there aren’t different laws for molecules, planets, flora, fauna, and others for people; its Universal Gravitation (G Force) as postulated by Newton, Einstein, Joie, and others.  Gravity appears to be the cosmic glue of ALL attraction – from the smallest atomic scale, to the grandest celestial coalescence.

“If, in some cataclysm, all of scientific knowledge were to be destroyed, and only one sentence passed on to the next generation of creatures, what statement would contain the most information in the fewest words? 

I believe it is the atomic hypothesis that all things are made of atoms – little particles that that move around in perpetual motion, attracting each other when they are a little distance apart, but repelling…”  Richard Feynman

WhiffsofBliss: INFORMATION: The Nature of Reality from Physics to Metaphysics…
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WhiffsofBliss: CONTRAST: The Engine of Evolution
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WhiffsofBliss: Gravity = Law of Attraction: Mindscape of Alan Moore | Melinda Gebbie
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Gravity = Law of Attraction

Volume II’s extended research has found that “The Secret” Law of Attraction is all about Universal Gravitation [gravity], as postulated by Newton, Einstein, Joie, and others.

“There aren’t different laws of attraction, magnetism, or gravitation: one for fauna in migration, one for planets, and one for people + relationships.

We’re all one…all connected to the same universal principles.

Based on Joie’s G-Theory, everything organizes through attraction (or not, which is repulsion) from covalent bonds found on the “Periodic Table of Elements” in chemistry, which we’re made of, to the “Strange Attractors” of Chaos Theory, the universe gravitates all.

Other forms of magnetic attraction includes thinkers with matching vibrations; flocks, schoals, and all fauna migrations­; co-created global weather systems; planets, stars, and community galaxies in orbit … EVERYTHING / EVERYONE gravitates­.

It’s all about Gravity [G-Force]!

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“Follow Your Bliss” were the famous words of Joseph Campbell.  The phrase is catchy, but what does it really mean?  For some time, many philosophers have been pushing the idea of happiness, as if it’s of utmost importance; and “The Secret” emphasized this too.

After gravitating joy-related information from many sources over the years, I got to wondering why they suggest it…often without full explanation.  So, little by little, more answers came, that ultimately resulted in the name of this site, which was adopted by the wisdom of Abraham-Hicks.  Have you ever heard them say something to the effect of, “…get a whiff of bliss” when faced with contrast?

Abraham’s philosophy makes sense to me, and goes along with their words, “You cannot have a happy ending after an unhappy journey.”  Campbell’s wisdom aligns with this message too, in that, if we don’t follow or begin with bliss, it’s highly unlikely that we’ll end up with it.

Bliss = Bliss, you see?


So then the question asks, how do we follow or find this elusive, invisible “bliss” energy that appears through matter(s) like us?  Wayne Dyer once said, “There is no way to happiness; happiness is the way.”  In other words, we can’t get there … it’s just a matter of deciding to BE there or live with that vibration in order to attract/gravitate more of the same.

Throughout life’s experiences and contrast, bliss can be found by probing to learn and know what makes us feel good…what are we most happiest doing?  As a former music major, I have a fond appreciation for sound, albeit whale, insect, or bird songs, and melodies or rhythms from human instruments.  Music makes me happy…some sounds feel sooo good!  To give an example of following bliss, the other evening a friend and I danced and sang along to dozens of songs inspired by 40 years of sunny days on Sesame Street. There are so many ways to follow bliss.

In fact, Bashar reveals the fundamental reason why it’s best to follow BLISS; and it’s called “Following your Highest Excitement.”


Simply said, following our bliss or highest excitement is like trailing invisible breadcrumbs that leads us [not only to joyful experiences, but] to everything we truly desire.  Bliss is connected to a web of more bliss.  Some say virtually EVERYTHING we do is governed by pain/pleasure or what we think is best in terms of feeling good or yielding improvement or joy.

Alan Cohen is referenced in Volume I for his, “hell yes” or “hell no” guide for decision-making.  If something feels right, it’s suggested that we go along, but if it doesn’t, it should be considered a definite NO!  Often, people go along with things only to later figure that it didn’t feel right anyway.

So, going back to what Bashar says in the video, imagine that every second of our life offers a choice to choose bliss or not, and the decisions we make follows a trail that leads to the next point of attraction, somewhat like this:


Follow Bliss >> Experience Joy/Fun >> Attract More Happiness along the way…

Perhaps this example is a bit simplified, but you get the idea: Following bliss leads to  =>  More Joy/Fun, on a =>  Happy Journey (alongside others who resonate similar high vibrations), that brings  =>  Even Better Attractions with  => More Blissful Gravitations!