“This most beautiful system [The Universe] could only proceed from
the dominion of an intelligent and powerful Being.”

What is Gravity?

Referred to as “G,” gravitation is defined here as The Secret, Law of Attraction, God Force.  Although gravitation and G Theory will be expanded in Volume II, a brief (although somewhat lengthy) description is included here for clarification.  Thus far, one of the best definitions says, “Gravity is an attractive force between any two atoms.”  Other terms include:

* Gravitation
(1) The force that attracts a body toward the center of the earth or toward any other physical body having mass.  For most purposes Newton’s Universal Law of Gravitation applies, with minor modifications to take Einstein’s General Theory of Relativity into account; (2) degree of intensity, measured by acceleration

* G Force
Velocity, speed, or power in which gravity operates

* Graviton
A unit of gravity, similar to a photon of light

* Zero G
Zero Gravity is false since the force is everywhere; however, “zero g” is a feeling of weightlessness as demonstrated by flying on Boeing’s Zero G planes; NASA and other organizations study microgravity in their Zero Gravity Research Facility.

* Gravitational Energy [GE=MC2]
Referenced in Volume I, Einstein’s equation is updated to include gravity, since all forms of energy  is gravitational and moves within waves of spacetime

* Notable Discoveries

Isaac Newton: Universal Law of Gravitation
Albert Einstein: General Relativity
Joie de Vivre: G Theory
When asked, “What is Gravity?” some say it’s the force that keeps us on the ground: “If you throw something up like a ball, it will fall down.”  Rarely do people connect gravitation with celestial motion, unless they are connoisseurs of science or natural philosophy.  However, others limit understanding of gravity to the so-called four forces.

Just the other day, a friend pointed out Taraxacum (Dandelions) on the lawn, and it was interesting how the same plant appears as both a yellow flower and feather-like stuff.

Dandelions are a reminder of how H2O cleverly presents itself as liquid rain, solid ice, feather-like snow, and steam or fog vapor that permeates Earth and fills our bodies, while also being able to magically disappear via evaporation before our eyes.  Water is a good way to describe gravity to most people – as a substance that’s everywhere like the air we breathe.  It is us; it’s inside us; we consume it, and can swim, float, or play with it.  Well, maybe water is not the best comparison since gravity is everywhere – and is so much greater; however, H2O is a good example since know the liquid that presents itself in many mysterious forms.

Another way to think about gravity is electricity, which is also magnetism in disguise that silently operates inside of most species – sparking thoughts in our brain while duly networking the nervous system; powering homes; and existing within batteries, or lightning bolts.

Gravity keeps planets, stars, and celestial bodies “up” in orbit, and jointly holds us “down” to the ground.  Think about this: G floats stuff “up” and pulls everyone and everything “down” within the celestial sphere – similar to how cold falls and heat rises.  In fact, the force works in ALL directions (e.g. up, down, right, left; north/south, east/west) everywhere in spacetime.
Temperature, Weather, & Seasons
What’s most intriguing about gravity pushing and pulling in all directions, is that it controls air or wind movement through what’s often termed the Coriolis Effect.  Interestingly, when most explain weather, the sun’s heat, wind, and Earth rotation are only mentioned.  However, when looking deeper to probe what causes air, solar, or planetary rotation, gravity is orchestrating the cosmic symphony.For instance, temperature is the degree of how fast molecules spin, and the oscillation is caused by gravitational rotation of the Earth, along with the contrast of heat-rising and cold-falling.  G moves wind and H2O to co-create weather and Seasons (e.g. spring, summer, autumn, and winter) around the globe.  Thru gravitation, water duly coalesces in many forms as solid (ice / snow), liquid (rain), or vapor (fog / steam).

The weather equation is co-created via geology and people in rural or concrete jungles – along with their polluting machines; and requests of other species like flora and fauna that balance Mother Earth.  Rainfall, storms, snow, sunshine, and all are special effects of gravitation, which is true Law of Attraction in action!

Some may say, who cares? What does it matter that gravity created our world, controls air/water, and weather; and also separates or attracts us to each other?  It is interesting how invisible G Force goes unnoticed by so many; and unlike some scientists, most are sooo busy with their lives they rarely give attention to the mystery that lies right before their eyes.  It’s like the quote of “living on a floating ball that’s orbiting in outer space.”  Yes, we live in outer space – inside of a sphere!  Hence, in this amazing video by Symphony of Science, Neil deGrasse Tyson mentions wanting to grab people on the street and say, “Have you heard about this?”

Gravity remains an undiscovered mystery that most are unaware of.  Since there were no radios, televisions, or computers in his day, Newton, while meditating under an apple tree, realized G to be the same power of attraction that orbits planets and pulls fruit to the ground.  Later, in between others, Einstein expanded understanding of gravity to be the ineffable operator that pervasively interacts with all matter in the interconnected web of spacetime.

Closer revelation of G, revealed in Solar Plexus: The Secret Gravitational System unifies the God Force with The Secret, Law of Attraction that brings everyone and everything together within darkspeed.  There is sooo much more to discuss and explore about gravity; and this is only the beginning.  Until then, as paraphrased by Johannes Kepler in Harmonices Mundi, “If you pardon me, I shall rejoice! ☺ The die is cast, and I am writing the book – to be read now or by prosperity – it matters not.  As “G” itself has waited over six thousand years, and now finally has a witness.”